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What We Do

LACL is a non-profit group deeply committed to one thingfull citizenship and inclusion for people with disabilities in our communities

As an association, we work together with many people to create change. 50 years of advocacy has taught us that while this kind of collective determination is crucial, it is really families that drive our agenda.  That is because it is their experiences of discrimination and exclusion that generate the desire for something better for their children. 

When we listen thoughtfully to people’s experiences and work together toward a common hope and vision, change comes around.  Sometimes it's very slow and incremental, but it's change, nonetheless.  The kind of change that results in a good life for all, especially our sons and daughters with disabilities. 

To that end, we do everything we can to support, connect and educate individuals, their families and our community, giving all people with disabilities their best opportunity to access what they need to live, work and participate in community life.

If you or your child is experiencing difficulty and requires an advocate, LACL staff or expert family volunteers can help 

We help people and families on a similar journey connect with one another to meet, socialize and share information

From workshops to conferences, resource libraries to newsletters, we do everything we can to inform and teach families about issues that could affect or assist them

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Copyright © 2007 Lethbridge Association for Community Living